
This is an overview of selected research on repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, or rTMS, which involves applying a coil that produces a rapidly fluctuating magnetic field to the outside of the head, thereby stimulating the surface of the brain beneath the coil.

RTMS is an approved treatment for depression and has been investigated for various other psychiatric disorders, but it’s particularly intriguing that it also seems to have effects on healthy people that include cognitive improvements above the “normal” baseline.

Summary, by Type of Intervention

Note: stimulation of <1 Hz is generally thought to have an inhibitory effect on a brain region, while stimulation of >5 Hz is thought to have an excitatory effect.

I only include results that have been observed in at least two studies and not been disconfirmed.

I focus on studies in healthy subjects, and on improvements rather than impairments.

Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex, Inhibitory

  • Increased accuracy on working memory tasks (2)

Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex, Excitatory

  • Reduced addiction symptoms (2)
  • Reduced stress response to criticism (3)
  • Reduced pain (2)
  • Reduced reaction times on cognitive tasks (6)
  • Reduced impulsivity (2)

Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex, Inhibitory

  • Reduced costly reciprocal fairness signaling (ultimatum game, dictator game, trade-back game with reputation) (3)
  • Increased risk-taking behavior (2)

Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex, Excitatory

  • Reduced reaction times on cognitive tasks (4)
  • Increased startle & distraction by threats (2)

Bilateral Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex, Excitatory

  • Increased empathy and comfort with social interaction (3)
  • Improved fear extinction/phobia recovery (2)

Left Inferior Frontal Cortex, Inhibitory

  • Improved performance on abstract reasoning tasks such as syllogisms and artificial grammar (2)

M1, Excitatory

  • Reduced pain (2)

Right Temporoparietal Junction, Inhibitory

  • Reduced ingroup bias (2)

Left Inferior Parietal Lobule, Excitatory

  • Improved reading accuracy (2)

Right Inferior Parietal Lobule, Excitatory

  • Improved accuracy and reaction time on numerical estimation and calculation tasks (2)

Right Inferior Parietal Lobule, Inhibitory

  • Shorter reaction time in bottom-up processing and visual perception tasks (4)
  • Reduced startle response to pain and loud noises (2)

Analogic Reasoning

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[6] Left DLPFC During test 1 Hz Magstim Rapid2 Stimulator and 70mm figure-eight coil Improved response time (10% faster) on geometric shape based analogy questions 16


Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[6] DLPFC (F3) 5 days/week for 4 weeks, 30 min/day 15 hz Magpro R30 with Cool-b80 figure-8 coil 9/16 patients seeking treatment for cocaine use tested negative for cocaine at end of study. Big significant drops in depression and anxiety scales. 20
[27] Left DLPFC 13 min, twice daily for a week followed by weekly for 8 weeks 15 Hz MagPro R30 Significant drops in cocaine craving & gambling severity scores in gambling and cocaine addicts. 7
[44] Medial PFC and anterior cingulate cortex 15 minute sessions, every weekday for 3 weeks 1 Hz, 10 Hz H7 coil and Magstim Rapid Significant reduction in preference for cocaine over monetary reward, among cocaine addicts in a lab environment, compared to low-frequency and sham. 18

Blame, Character Judgment, Intentionality Attribution

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[35] Left and right temporoparietal junction 10 min 1 Hz MagStim Rapid2 Right TPJ inhibition increases perception of hostile intentionality in stories 23
[36] Right temporoparietal junction 25 min 1 Hz MagStim Super Rapid Right TPJ inhibition causes study subjects to attribute less moral blame to stories in which harm was attempted but failed. 20
[47] DMPFC During testing 1 Hz Magstim Rapid 2 with butterfly coil Increased tendency to rate someone as “trustworthy” when both “good” and “bad” actions were attributed to them. 20
[48] DMPFC, right DLPFC During testing 10 Hz Magstim Rapid 2 with butterfly coil Right DLPFC stimulation decreased the number of faces rated “trustworthy.” DMPFC stimulation eliminated the tendency to rate faces as more trustworthy if accompanied by “beautiful” vs. “ugly” adjectives. 20

Bottom-Up Processing

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[61] P3 and P4 sites (inferior parietal lobule) During test 1 Hz Magstim Rapid 2 and butterfly coil Right parietal rTMS, but not left, reduced reaction times in searching for an X among many X’s that has a particular angle orientation, but not for searching for a non-X line among other X’s. Right IPL rTMS improves bottom-up perception. 28


Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[48] Left DLPFC One 20-min session 20 Hz Magstim + figure-eight coil Significantly reduced salivary cortisol increase in response to negative/critical feedback, compared to sham stimulation. 30
[60] Left and right DLPFC One 20-min session 20 Hz Significantly increased heart rate variability in response to negative/critical feedback after left DLPFC but not right DLPFC stimulation. 38
[105] Left DLPFC 20 min 20 Hz Magstim Rapid 2, figure eight coil Reduced cortisol response to negative/critical feedback in treated vs. sham 75


Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[14] Left DLPFC (F3 and F4) 13 sessions in 3 weeks, 37 min each 10 hz Magstim Rapid and figure-8 coil One patient being treated for depression developed his first-ever psychotic symptoms; agitated, anxious, felt observed & persecuted. 1

Deductive Reasoning

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[59] Right and left inferior frontal cortex (BA 45) 10 min 1 Hz Magstim Rapid with figure-8 coil, Brainsight Right IFC stimulation increased the “belief-bias” effect, worsening accuracy at syllogism evaluation when conclusions are logically valid but unrealistic. Left IFC stimulation removed the belief-bias effect; subjects performed a bit worse on “believable” syllogisms, and better on “unbelievable” ones. 72


Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[15] Bilateral medial PFC 15 min 1 Hz Magstim Rapid and Haut-coil Increased self-reported empathy in low-EQ, decreased self-reported empathy in high-EQ patients. No change in cognitive empathy. 16
[41] Dorsal medial prefrontal cortex During test 1 Hz Magstim Rapid 2 with figure-8 coil & Brainstem Significantly (2x) more likely to misidentify anger and fear in facial expressions than controls, but not happiness or neutral. 19
[52] Right TPJ During test 1 Hz Magstim Super Rapid, figure-eight coil, Brainsight rTMS to the right TPJ increases the rate of irritation after watching a sad video and decreases the rate of compassion/sympathy.
[10] Bilateral dorsomedial prefrontal cortex; 7 cm anterior to M1 15 min per session; 30 10-second trains and a 20 second rest period, for two weeks, 5 days per week 5 Hz HAUTcoil and Magstim Rapid Significantly increased “social relatedness” and reduced “fantasizing” in treatment but not sham groups a month later, in autistic subjects 28
[32] Bilateral medial PFC 15 min each weekday for 2 weeks 5 Hz 6 months later, autistic subject showed greater ease with eye contact, more comfortable around others, more physically affectionate, more considerate of others 1
[86] Medial prefrontal cortex During testing 10 Hz Magstim Rapid 2, figure-8 coil, Brainsight Compared to control site & sham, reduced reaction times in identifying emotions in the test condition; increased smiles while looking at happy faces & frowns while looking at angry, sad, or disgusted faces 16
[104] Right DLPFC 15 min 1 Hz Magstim Rapid 2, figure 8 coil Compared to a control site, reduced reaction times at cognitive but not affective theory of mind tasks 28


Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[72] Left DLPFC 20 min 10 Hz Magstim figure-8 coil Reduced reaction time in both congruent & incongruent conditions of a Stroop task; no change in interference effect, no effect on mood 28
[75] Right DLPFC 20 min 10 Hz Reduced reaction time relative to sham in both congruent and incongruent conditions of a Stroop task; no effect on mood 20
[78] Left DLPFC 5 daily sessions 10 Hz In healthy elderly subjects, significantly reduced reaction times (but no change in accuracy) in active but not sham stimulation on the Stroop task. 16
[80] Left DLPFC 7 consecutive days 10 Hz Magstim high speed, figure-8 coil Significantly reduced reaction time on both congruent & incongruent conditions of a Stroop task 25
[89] Left and right DLPFC During testing 20 Hz Softaxic navigation Significantly reduced reaction time on action-naming task in older adults but not an object-naming task 13
[92] Right DLPFC 20 min 10 Hz MagStim + figure-8 coil Increased psychomotor speed, relative to sham control and left DLPFC, with right DLPFC stimulation 36


Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[24] Inferior frontal cortex; BA 44/45 20 min 1 Hz Magstim figure-8 coil Increased accuracy and decreased response time after stimulation in an artificial grammar learning task. 25

Hypnotic Suggestibility

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[13] Left DLPFC (F3 and F4) 20 min 1 Hz ? Significantly (p = 0.002) increased intensity of hypnotic suggestion vs. sham. Cohen’s d =0.6 23
[26] Left DLPFC and right DLPFC 4 sessions of 5 min each 1 Hz Magstim Rapid 2 right DLPFC stimulation, but not left, increased hypnotic suggestibility (Cohen’s d = 0.37) 38


Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[56] cerebellum 10 min 1 Hz Magpro X100 with B-65 butterfly coil Raises accuracy of BPD patients on an affective go/no-go task (measure of impulsivity) to the level of healthy controls. 17
[79] Left DLPFC 3 blocks, 2.5 min each, before testing 10 Hz Magstim 200 + figure 8 coil Significantly improved performance on a continuous performance task, a measure of impulsivity and response inhibition. Significant increase in negative affect relative to sham. 17
[90] Right DLPFC 10 sessions 10 Hz Magstim Rapid 2 and double air film coil No effect on a go/no-go task in alcoholics 80
[91] Right DLPFC 10 sessions 10 Hz Improves performance in a go/no-go task in bulimics 39
[102] Left DLPFC 30 min 1 Hz Magstim with figure-8 coil In a gambling game, DLPFC inhibition made players more likely to make choices with better short-term but worse long-term options. 64


Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[11] Midline parietal site centered on the precuneus During test 5 Hz, but not 1 Hz or 10 Hz Magstim Rapid Stimulator & 8-coil Improved accuracy & reaction time on a delayed matching task 44
[12] Right DLPFC 10 min 1 Hz Magstim Rapid Stimulator & 8-coil Improved accuracy (by 30%) in healthy patients and by 15% in memory impaired patients 108
[65] Left DLPFC 15 min, every weekday for 2 weeks 10 Hz Magstim Super Rapid + Brainsight No effect compared to sham stimulation on n-back performance in healthy subjects 20
[66] Left middle occipital gyrus, BA 19 During testing 5 Hz Magstim Super Rapid Increased accuracy and reduced reaction time in delayed matching task after sleep deprivation, compared to controls. 33
[82] Right or left DLPFC During testing 10 Hz Magstim Super Rapid Significant improvement in reaction time (p=0.01) but not accuracy on a memory task 32
[94] Left anterior temporal lobe 10 min 1 Hz Magpro with butterfly coil 36% reduction in false memories (falsely saying they remembered having seen words previously) vs. sham 28
[95] Left inferior frontal cortex During testing 7 Hz Cadwell + round coil; Brainsight Significantly increased accuracy in recognition memory for words relative to right inferior frontal cortex & left parietal cortex 12
[96] Left DLPFC During memory encoding Theta bursts: 3 at 50 Hz Magpro X & cooled figure-8 coil Significantly higher accuracy in recognition memory task 18
[112] Left DLPFC 22.5 min TBS at 50 Hz, HF-rTMS at 20 Hz Magstim Rapid 2, figure 8 coil, Brainsight Both TBS and high-frequency rTMS mproved accuracy and reaction time in 3-back task relative to sham 60


Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[8] Right DLPFC (F4) 20 min 1 Hz Neopulse Reduced self-reported anxiety 0-65 min after treatment 12
[30] Left and right PFC 20 min 5 Hz Cadwell High Speed Magnetic Stimulator Left prefrontal cortex stimulation made subjects more sad; right prefrontal cortex stimulation made subjects more happy 10
[68] Right parietal cortex (P4) 20 min 2 Hz Neopulse Reduced depressive mood in healthy subjects, less avoidance of angry faces 8
[29] Right DLPFC 20 min/day, 5 days/wk, for 2 weeks 10 Hz ? reduced affective instability and anger in BPD patients 11

Moral Decisionmaking (Helping, Sharing, Punishing, etc)

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[50] Right DLPFC 15 minutes 1 Hz MagPro X100, butterfly coil, Eximia 2.3 MRI-guided positioning system rTMS group was more likely than sham group to choose “utilitarian” answers in moral dilemmas like the trolley problem. (70% vs 56%) 24
[57] Right DLPFC 1 Hz Right DLPFC stimulation, but not left DLPFC or sham, increased tendency to accept low offers in the Ultimatum Game (45% vs 15%). No difference in perceived unfairness. 52
[58] Right DLPFC 15 min 1 Hz Right DLPFC stimulation, compared to sham and left DLPFC stimulation, reduces the amount people share in a trust game with reputation, but not in the anonymous condition. 87
[87] Right and left DLPFC 1 Hz MagPro R30, figure 8 coil, MRI navigation Participants played the Ultimatum Game and then the Dictator Game. Right DLPFC was more likely than the other two groups to give unfair offers in the dictator game, whether in response to fair or unfair offers. 46
[97] Right DLPFC 12 min 1 Hz Magstim Rapid with figure-8 coil Participants were significantly faster to accept unfair offers in the Ultimatum Game with true vs sham stimulation, but no less likely to rate the offers as unfair 7
[98] Right DLPFC 40 sec 5Hz theta bursts of 50 Hz pulses for 40 sec Magventure Stimulated vs. placebo participants were significantly more likely (60% vs 45%) to penalize unfair opponents in the Ultimatum Game by presenting them with a bad offer next time. 19
[37] Right TPJ 20 min 1 Hz Magstim Rapid, figure-8 coil Decreased tendency to pay to punish outgroup members more harshly than ingroup members (soccer fandoms) 36
[38] DLPFC 30 min 1 Hz Reduced punishment for culpable criminal acts but not reduced blame 66
[99] Left DLPFC, BA46 During testing 10 Hz Magstim Rapid 2, figure-8 coil, Brainsight Significantly more likely (relative to control & sham) to be willing to help in hypothetical social situation 25
[100] Right DLPFC & DMPFC During testing 50 Hz cTBS Inhibiting right DLPFC increased generosity in an ultimatum game to high SES players, Cohen’s d 0.95; inhibiting DMPFC increased generosity to low SES players. 58
[101] Right TPJ During testing 50 Hz cTBS Magstim Rapid2, BrainVoyager neuronavigation from MRI images Sham-stimulated subjects share more in a trust game with “ingroup” than “outgroup” players; TPJ inhibited subjects don’t, they share more with the outgroup 22

Numerical & Quantitative Reasoning

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[65] Inferior parietal lobule, left and right 10 min 5 Hz Magstim Super Rapid Untreated or control patients tend to underestimate the midpoint between two large numbers. Right IPL stimulation reduces the error. 14
[92] Left anterior temporal lobe 15 min 1 Hz Medtronic MagPro Significantly improved ability to guess the number of shapes without counting (savant-like skill) 12
[103] Intraparietal sulcus, left and right 10 min 1 Hz Magstim Rapid w/ Brainsight Right IPL stimulation, relative to sham, speeded up reaction times on a number and dot estimation task; left IPL stimulation slowed it down. 36
[106] Left and right supramarginal gyrus During testing 10 Hz Magstim Rapid2 w/ Brainsight Right SMG stimulation reduced reaction time on a mental arithmetic task; left SMG stimulation increased it 20


Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[73] Right M1, right DLPFC 15 min 10 Hz MagProX100, figure-8 coil Both right M1 and DLPFC stimulation, relative to sham, reduced sensitivity to cold pain, but not heat pain or cold/heat detection 52
[74] Left DLPFC 10 sessions, 20 minutes/session 10 Hz NeoPulse NeoTonus with a solid coil Significantly more pain improvement (p<0.01, 20% drop) with real vs. sham stimulation in fibromyalgia patients 20
[76] M1 contralateral to pain side 3 sessions, 3 weeks apart: sham, hotspot, and neuronavigated 10 Hz MagPro X100 and Excimia neuronavigation system Significantly reduced (17%, p < 0.0001) pain score in chronic neuropathic pain patients 66
[77] Left DLPFC 10 daily sessions 10 Hz Neuronetics Neopulse with figure-8 coil & Brainsight Reduced pain in neuropathic chronic pain patients relative to sham 4

Perceptual Illusions

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[32] Cerebellum 20 min 1 Hz Neotonus Illusion of falling or drifting 1
[64] Right inferior parietal lobule 10 min 1 Hz Illusion of time dilation 10
[84] Right anterior temporal lobe 5 days/week for two weeks 1 Hz Cadwell A patient with post-head-injury music hallucinations was treated with rTMS 1
[88] M1 During testing 1 Hz Motor cortex inhibition increases the “sense of effort” in a force-matching task 10

Phobias and Fear Conditioning

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[43] Medial PFC 20 min 10 Hz Medtronic MagPro X100 with round coil Increased reductions in anxiety and avoidance of heights after an exposure therapy program, relative to sham stimulation. 39
[45] Medial PFC 20 min 10 Hz Medtronic MagPro X100 with round coil More rapid extinction of a conditioned fear eyeblink startle response & skin conduction response when the conditioned stimulus was removed, than with sham stimulation. 85
[71] Intraparietal sulcus During test 1 Hz Magventure Magpro 100 Reduced blink startle response in reaction to predictable and unpredictable scary stimuli (loud sounds) 25

Planning & Sequencing

[29] Right DLPFC 20 min/day, 5 days/wk, for 2 weeks 10 Hz ? Significant improvement at 3 months in the Tower of London task 11


Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[62] Left inferior parietal lobule (P3 and P4) 10 min 5 Hz Magstim Super Rapid with figure-8 coil Left IPL stimulation, but not right or control or supratemporal gyrus, reduced errors in reading non-words in normal readers 10
[63] Left inferior parietal lobule (P3 and P4) 10 min 5 Hz Magstim Super Rapid with figure-8 coil Left IPL stimulation increased non-word reading accuracy in dyslexics 10
[83] Left and right DLPFC During testing 15 Hz Magstim Super Rapid with figure-8 coil Reduced reaction times for sentence comprehension tasks but decreased accuracy in interpreting idiomatic sentences. 14

Risk Aversion

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[29] Right DLPFC 6 min 1 Hz Nexstim MRI-assisted device Increased rate of hitting the ceiling in a ball game where the aim is to get as close as possible without touching the ceiling. Cohen’s d = 0.98 12
[98] Right DLPFC 15 min 1 Hz Magstim, figure-8 coil Increased high-risk choices and worse overall performance in a gambling task, relative to sham and left DLPFC 27

Self-Other Discrimination

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[5] Right inferior parietal lobule 20 min, before test 1 Hz Magstim Rapid Stimulator Increased tendency to identify images of others’ faces as own 8
[34] M1, primary motor cortex 20 min 1 Hz Magstim Rapid 2 Rubber hand illusion was strengthened, only when stimulation was on the opposite side’s motor cortex 32
[52][53] Right temporoparietal junction 30 min/day for 3 weeks 1 Hz Magstim Super Rapid 50% of subjects with depersonalization disorder had at least a 25% improvement on a severity score, especially in symptoms related to “anomalous body experiences” (50% mean improvement, p = 0.008) 12
[54] Right temporoparietal junction (MNI coordinates (62, -34, 30) During testing Theta burst stimulation, triplets at 30 Hz (inhibitory) Magpro x100 with MC-B70 butterfly coil Decreased the sense of agency relative to control stimulation 15
[65] Posterior parietal cortex During testing Theta burst stimulation, triplets at 50 Hz (inhibitory) Magstim 200 Decreased phantom sensations in spinal cord injury patients during session 5
[70] Inferior parietal cortex (MNI coordinates (44, -54, 38) During testing 10 Hz Magstim Rapid, custom figure-8 coil, Brainsight Reduced sense of agency in participant-controlled movements on computer screen 14

Social Attention

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[69] Posterior parietal cortex During test 10 Hz, dual pulse (inhibitory) Two Magstim Mode 200 Increased reaction time when distracted by pointing hands in a task involving a pointing arrow 14

Sensory Perception

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[3] Index finger region of primary somatosensory cortex During test 5 Hz Magstim Rapid Stimulator & 8-coil Improved tactile acuity; lowered discrimination threshold 33
[21] Index finger region of primary somatosensory cortex During test 50 Hz bursts for 2 s every 10 s, for 3 min Magstim Rapid & 8-coil Improved tactile acuity 23

Spatial Estimation

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[52] Right temporoparietal junction 20 sec Trains of 3 pulses at 50 Hz, delivered at 5 Hz, for 20 seconds Magstim model 200 Monopulse Inhibitory rTPJ stimulation, but not sham or control, increased the error rate for judging the angle of a rod off the vertical. 22

Task Switching

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[31] Right DLPFC 20 min 10 Hz Magstim Rapid Stimulator & 8-coil Reduced reaction time (20% faster) on a task switching task 22

Time Discounting

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[40] Medial prefrontal cortex During testing 10 Hz Magstim Rapid 2 with double cone coil Significantly increased preference for larger delayed rewards and decreased preference for small immediate rewards. 24

Time Estimation

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[67] Superior parietal cortex (Pz) 15 min 1 Hz Neuro-Ms Stimulator Significantly reduced error in estimating 9-second time intervals (but not shorter) 23
[111] Superior parietal cortex 1 Hz Neuro-Ms stimulator Increased error in 4 and 9 second time intervals, 20

Threat Perception

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[68] Right posterior parietal cortex (P4) 20 min 1 Hz Mag-Pro X100 with butterfly coil Compared to sham or left PPC controls, right PPC inhibition increases reaction time on a visual search task in response to a scary (loud sound) distractor but not a neutral distractor. 26
[85] Right DLPFC 20 min 10 Hz Magstim with figure-8 coil & MRI guidance No effect on mood or anxiety; treated subjects showed more reaction-time impairment when distracted by an angry face in a cueing task, but not a neutral face. The higher anxiety was at baseline, the more rTMS increased attentional bias to threat. 28
[109] Intraparietal sulcus During testing 1 Hz MagPro 100 & Cool-B65 A/P coil Compared to sham stimulation or no stimulation, rTMS reduced the startle response to electric shocks 19
[110] Right DLPFC During testing 10 Hz MagPro 100 & Cool-B65 A/P coil Compared to sham stimulation, increased startle response to electric shocks 24

Visual Search/Perception

Reference Brain Location Treatment Duration Frequency Machine Result N
[81] P3 and P4 sites (posterior parietal cortex) During test 1 Hz Magstim Rapid, Figure-8 Coil Right, but not left or sham, parietal rTMS improved reaction times when a distractor is present on a visual search task. 8
[107] Left posterior parietal cortex 10 min 1 Hz Magstim Rapid 2, Figure-8 coil Left, but not right, posterior parietal cortex rTMS reduced reaction times in a visual search task for picking out a mirror image letter from a field of letters 88
[108] Right posterior parietal cortex 1 Hz Magstim Super Rapid, Figure 8 coil Compared to control stimulation at the vertex, right PPC stimulation reduced reaction times in a visual detection task with low-frequency Gabor filters 36
[113] Right intraparietal sulcus 8 min 1 Hz NeoTonus with Brainsight and MRI guidance Compared to sham stimulation and left IPS stimulation, right IPS stimulation significantly reduced errors in identifying the color and shape of figures briefly flashed in peripheral vision. 24


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